To represent our members in the Public Institutions, influencing the development of policies aimed at increasing production, quality and fish consumption in Brazil.

To coordinate and defend our members interests in public and private bodies, nationally and internationally.

Look after the positive image of the fish importing and exporting sector.

To work for a quality fish, sanitarily safe and widely available to the population, contributing to food security and to the improvement of the Brazilian diet.

To make efforts to open new markets for fish import and export, contributing to a balanced supply of products to the domestic market.

To promote a production, marketing, import and export of fish based on ethical principles.

To assist the Government in decision-making processes, providing the fish sector information.

To fight for the isonomic application of norms pertaining to fish, observing the peculiarities of each species.

To encourage the technological and scientific development of the sector.

To work for the harmony between all areas of the fish chain.


Contact us and join ABRAPES!
Address: Av. Paulista 1765, 7º andar, Conj. 72 CV: 8532 - Bela Vista, São Paulo/SP
CEP: 01311-200
Phone: +55 11 5105 8269
Email: contato@abrapes.org

Brazilian Association for the Fish and Seafood Promotion - ABRAPES

ABRAPES is composed of importers, exporters, industries, distributors, trading companies and retailers, all united to achieve the Association’s purpose.